Sunday, November 18, 2018

Research Practice!

 Students are working in small groups to find information about producers in a forest ecosystem.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Health Lesson Today! (my homeroom kiddos)

 You Are What You EAT!
Thank you Jaime Brennan for teaching us about eating a RAINBOW of foods!
You are what you eat!.jpg

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

At Home Reading Coaches.....

Here are some ideas that can help your child become a better reader:
  • Be your child’s home reading coach!
  • Turn off all technology!
  • Make sure your child has a relaxed, comfortable place to read.
  • Observe or listen to your child read.  
  • Ask them a question or 2 each night.
  • Sign your child’s log after he or she reads.  Each line is 15 minutes of reading.
  • Help them get their book bag packed and ready to return to school.
  • Stay in contact with your child’s teacher about his or her reading progress.
  • Your child can read and count anything they choose to read, leveled or not.
  • Keep it fun. Let them enjoy it!

Monday, September 17, 2018

No Homework YET, but it is coming soon.

5th Grade Language Arts:
Fifth grade has now finished the first 6 lessons in our new ARC CORE curriculum. We have a main lesson in the morning​ where we focus as a class on a specific learning goal, using a core text that everyone reads together. Students then practice independently​ as well as they work further with that specific goal. They also have short written response​, tied to the lesson. In the afternoon, students are given a chance to read books of their own choice independently​ and some days have the option to write material of their choosing as well. 

My favorite part of this curriculum is the emphasis on 100% student participation and engagement. ​ Class lessons are set up to include nearly constant reflection, quick discussion between partners, and sharing with the class. Our goal this year is that all students be engaged readers​ and we are working extremely hard to help them find books that not only develop the specific skills each student needs to develop to make them strong readers but we want to find books that interest them and “hook” them. We will have one more week with no assigned reading homework ​although I am still encouraging students to be reading at home each night. The week of Sept. 23 we will kick off our “100 Book Challenge” and you will see some information coming home about what Language Arts homework will look like this year. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

NEW School Year... NEW Class.... NEW Grade

Welcome to Our Class!
Ms. Noble’s 5th Grade

Dear Parents, Guardians and 5th Grade Students,

I feel very fortunate to be your 5th grade teacher at Washington Elementary!  I am very excited
about the prospect of working with each of you this year. This is my first year teaching 5th grade!  
I have been a teacher for 20 years, 13 years in Alaska and 7 years here in Ely.  My previous
teaching experience includes Pre-K through 8th Grade special education, grades 6-8 math,
grade 7-8 social studies /technology/student government, and 1st grade. My educational philosophy
is simple: I believe it is important for parents to stay involved in their child’s education.  I will
keep you posted on assessments, homework assignments, and classroom/school/community news
and happenings.  Fifth Graders can accomplish many wonderful things and I aim my sights high!   
I will hold each student accountable for their learning and behavior. I appreciate students who take
ownership in their own education.  I will teach students to be independent, make good choices and
become self-managers. Last, but not least, I believe school should be an enjoyable experience!  
I am very excited to begin this learning experience with this wonderful group of fifth graders!!I look
forward to a positive and successful school year.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should
have questions or concerns.

Contact information:
*Email me or a call to the office are the preferred forms of communication
during school hours.

Thank you for sharing your kiddo with me!  

Ms. Kelly Noble