Friday, January 8, 2016

Book Bag Program Starts Jan. 11th, 2016

1st Grade Bag Books Program
read me.jpg
Today we will our start “Bag Books” program.  We have expanded our reading skills and are ready to spark more interest in reading by using a variety of books and creating some new reading challenges.  Every Monday through Thursday your student will bring home a book in their book bag to read.  This reading time should last at least 10 minutes each day, more if your student is willing and able.  Students read to someone, record the book on the calendar, and then return it to school the next day and get a new book.

Your student will pick a book out from the selection in the classroom.  The goal is to have students read from a wide variety of books and to be challenged enough to create interest in reading but not frustration.  Allowing them this choice can help promote their interest in reading.  Other books from a library or home collections may be used and recorded on the monthly calendar.  Lengthy books or chapter books can be used for several days of reading.

Please help your student fill out the calendar by writing the title of the book and return the calendar and book daily.  The calendar will act as a record of the reading choices for the month.  Our local Dairy Queen restaurant provides certificates as incentives for reading for the whole month.  On the last day of each month students will receive their certificate.

Every student is expected to read daily.  This can be a fun time for your student to show you what they have learned.  Studies show that children need to practice reading to become fluent and can be more motivated when someone is listening.

If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you for your assistance and enjoy spending this time with your student!

Mrs. Skustad

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