Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Art with Annie!

A big Thank You to Annie for coming in and doing a few art projects with the class!!!

Friday, September 18, 2015


Dear 1st Graders,
I am so excited to have you in my class!  We are going to have a great 1st Grade year.  We will have fun getting to know each other, learning to read better, playing math games, and going on a few exciting field trips!  I look forward to seeing you each school morning!
Your 1st Grade Teacher,
Mrs. Kelly Skustad

September 8, 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child and make this a successful year.   Here are a few reminders that I wanted to share with you to make the transition to first grade a bit easier.

Reminders from the Principal
*  When visiting the school, be sure to use the front entrance and check in at the main office.
*  Supervision on the playground in the morning begins at 7:45 a.m., please do NOT drop off your child before 7:45 a.m.  Also, there is NO supervision after school on the playground.  Please plan accordingly.
*  Be sure to call the office by 8:30 a.m. if your child is absent.
*  Please be sure that you communicate regularly with me and your child about after school plans.
*  Be sure to send your child dressed appropriately for the weather.

Snack Time/ Water Bottles- approx. 10:10
Your child needs to bring a nutritious snack daily (i.e. crackers, cheese, fruit, veggies, nuts, etc.). Please avoid snacks high in sugar.  No candy please.  The Graham Crackers from the supply list will be stored and used when someone has forgotten their snack. Students are only allowed to have water at school.  Your child will bring their water bottle home each night, then please send it full of water in the morning.  Thanks!

Recess and Lunch- 12:00 to 1:00
Recess takes place the first 30 minutes, then the students will go directly to the High School Cafeteria for lunch.  K-2 students DO NOT have access to ala cart items, however they may purchase milk.  K-2 students DO NOT have access to the microwaves, so please plan accordingly.  If your child will be having the school lunch, a lunch money drop box is conveniently located in the hallway outside the general office.

Bus Information
Bus students will always be sent home on the bus, unless the child has a note from you explaining the change.  All students not taking the bus will be dismissed through the west doors just down two flights of stairs from our classroom at 2:50.  If you are picking your child up after school please pick them up in the playground parking area.  For safety reasons, only students who are taking the bus are allowed to exit the school through the front doors and into the bus circle.  

News and Announcements
I will be sending a weekly newsletter home on Friday that will include the weekly spelling words and important announcements.  Please mark your calendar now for a special meeting on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 5-7:30 pm. This meeting is for all parents/guardians to learn about our school-wide Paw Pride program, Parent Portal and the 1st grade program.  I will be giving you information about homework and how you can best help your child succeed in school this year. Please bring any questions and concerns you might have. I will also have a volunteer list available if you would like to help out in our classroom this year.

If you have any questions or concerns please send a note to school with your child, email me at or, call/text me at 218-235-9474.

Mrs. Kelly Skustad

Our Daily Schedule
School Day 8:05- 2:50                 Semester 1
Lockers, Lunch Count, Attendance, Morning Message, H2O, Notes/Homework
Morning Meeting
Reading:                   (Art Class- Every 6th Day, 9:05-9:55)
Whole Group
(Movement or Brain Break)
Reading Groups
Whole Group                             

Snack Time/Bathroom Break
Gym- Blomberg (M/T/W) Music (Th/F) Mason
Recess (12:00-12:30) and Lunch (12:30-1:00)
Writing   (1:30-1:55 Library- Wed)
Science, Social Studies, Health (Rotations-T/W/Th)

Art in our Classroom (M/F)
Get Ready for Dismissal/Closing Meeting

Thank you and Welcome to 1st Grade!!!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Educational Resource List

Prepared by: Kelly Skustad
1st Grade Teacher
1st Grade Educational Resources
*My goal was to put together a few online/computer-based resources that are available for practice and enrichment in math and reading.  Please reference the links and sites below to enrich your child’s educational experience at home.  The resources I have chosen are to be both education and fun!  If you have any trouble with a link or site, please let me know.  Please use these resources as you wish.  

Educational Websites/Links for 1st Graders:
RAZ Kids- online interactive ebooks and quizzes on, access to reading practice and help with reading comprehension has never been easier.

PBS Kids Games- all sorts of fun, interactive games for math and reading

Primary Games- fun games in all subject areas, parent must help read directions

e-Learning (many subjects)- click on 1st grade...math, language arts, computer skills, science and environmental games; also have Grades K-6 and listed by subject area

Fun Brain- games categories: Math, Reading, Fun, Playground

Track Star- Educational games in Elementary focusing on math and language arts; parents will need to help read directions

Starfall- opened in September of 2002 as a free public service to teach children to read with phonics.
Everyday Math Resources:
#1......Everyday Math
*teacher resources for everyday math, links to games

#2......Everday Math
*homelink help and selected answers for EDM homelinks, by unit and lesson

Reading Street Resources:
#1.......Reading Street Resource
*This is the main site I use for teacher resources .
*Parents could use it as a great resources for flashcards, spelling games.
* link- has wonderful resources for students to practice spelling per unit and week, however,  it costs $30/family or $50/classroom to access some of the games each year.

#2.....Reading Street Resource
*This site is excellent for teachers as well as parents.  
*Please click Reading Street Online Games for links to spelling game per unit and week.

Apps for Computer, Smart Phone, iPad/Kindle:
1. Everyday Math- Top It ($1.99) Identifying numbers, addition, and comparing quantities.

2. Teach Me- First Grade ($0.99)- teaches sight words, addition, subtraction, and spelling

3. Teacher Me- Second Grade ($0.99)-spelling, sight words, long addition and subtraction, and fast subtraction
Updated: May 2015

Days of Summer Packet (Click on the Link Below)

Day of Summer Packet Link (50 pages)

Thank you!!!!

Thank you!

"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention."        
-Oscar Wilde

I would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to all of you for supporting me during this school year! I truly appreciate your help in the classroom, your supportive words, your kind emails, the list goes on and on. All of your acts of kindness helped me more than you can imagine! It was a very busy year, but also a very productive and fun year! The transformation for students from the first day of school 173 days ago is amazing!!!! We are readers and superb readers at that! I hope that each of my 20 students has had a great experience in 1st grade and wish them well next fall as they become eager 2nd graders! Enjoy your time together this summer as a family and please come back to see me next year!

Mrs. Skustad

Friday, April 24, 2015

Show and Share

Hat DAY!

Hat Day
Friday, May 1, 2015
Show Your Paw Pride!!!

Dear Parents/Guardians-
As a part of our School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports System, otherwise know as our PAW PRIDE program, our staff has been teaching, re-teaching, and encouraging positive behaviors in our school.  Students in all classes and in all areas of the school have been receiving Paw Pride Tickets for exhibiting positive behaviors by being……… (School Total = 2,871)
Responsible, Respectful, Safe and Cooperative!!!.

It is again time to celebrate our success!  Our next dress up day is Friday, May 1, 2015!  Please have your child wear a HAT to school to show their school spirit.

Thank you!

Washington Elementary PBIS Team