Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holiday Reminders!

Friendly Reminders………

Book Exchange
We will have a book exchange on our last day of school before break, Friday Dec. 19. Each child is asked to wrap one of their gently used books, one that they no longer want, to exchange with another student. Girls should label their gift “Girl” and sign their name and the same procedure for boys. Girls will draw a girl’s name and boys a boy’s name.
Please send them in ASAP!!!

Letters to Santa
Tune in to WELY radio! Our class will have their letters to Santa read on..........................
**Wednesday, December 24th**
7:10 am and again at 6:10 pm

Winter Music Program
Our winter program is Thursday, December 18 at 1:15 pm in the Washington Elementary Auditorium.  You are welcome to pick up your child after the program.  Please sign your child out with me in our classroom (Rm. 24) following the program.  

Happy Holidays!!
~Mrs. Skustad

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