Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome To Our 1st Grade Class!!!

Welcome to 1st Grade!!!!!

Dear First Grade Parents and Students,
I am so excited to have you in my class!  We are going to have a great 1st Grade year.  We will have fun getting to know each other, learning to read better, playing math games, and going on a few exciting field trips!
                             Your 1st Grade Teacher,
                             Mrs. Kelly Skustad

September 2, 2014

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child and make this a successful year.   Here are a few reminders that I wanted to share with you to make the transition to first grade a bit easier.

Reminders from the Principal
*  When visiting the school, be sure to use the front entrance and check in at the main office.
*  Supervision on the playground in the morning begins at 7:45 a.m., please do NOT drop off your child before 7:45 a.m.  Also, there is NO supervision after school on the playground.  Please plan accordingly.
*  Be sure to call the office by 8:30 a.m. if your child is absent
*  Please be sure that you communicate regularly with me and your child about after school plans.
*  Be sure to send your child dressed appropriately for the weather.

Snack Time/ Water Bottles- approx. 10:10
Your child needs to bring a nutritious snack daily (i.e. crackers, cheese, fruit, veggies, nuts, etc.). Please avoid snacks high in sugar.  No candy please.  The Graham Crackers from the supply list will be stored and used when someone has forgotten their snack. Students are only allowed to have water at school.  Your child will bring their water bottle home each night, then please send it full of water in the morning.  Thanks!

Recess and Lunch- 12:00 to 1:00
Recess takes place the first 30 minutes, then the students will go directly to the High School Cafeteria for lunch.  K-2 students DO NOT have access to ala cart items, however they may purchase milk.  K-2 students DO NOT have access to the microwaves, so please plan accordingly.  If your child will be having the school lunch, a lunch money drop box is conveniently located in the hallway outside the general office.

Bus Information
Bus students will always be sent home on the bus, unless the child has a note from you explaining the change.  All students not taking the bus will be dismissed through the west doors just down two flights of stairs from our classroom at 2:50.  If you are picking your child up after school please pick them up in the playground parking area.  For safety reasons, only students who are taking the bus are allowed to exit the school through the front doors and into the bus circle.  

News and Announcements
I will be sending a weekly newsletter home on Friday that will include the weekly spelling words and important announcements.  Please mark your calendar now for a special meeting on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 5-7 pm..  This meeting is for all parents/guardians to learn about our school-wide Paw Pride program and the 1st grade program.  Please bring any questions and concerns you might have.

If you have any questions or concerns please send a note to school with your child, email me at or, call/text me at 218-235-9474.

Mrs. Kelly Skustad

1st Grade Supply List
1 - Pocket Folder
1 - 1 inch binder with inside pockets
Pencil Box
School Scissors
Small water bottle with lid
Gym Shoes
4- Glue Sticks
2- Large Erasers
Paint shirt (large old shirt)
Old Sock (use as eraser for dry erase marker)
Empty Shoe Box
Backpack (no wheels - lockers are too small)
Box of Kleenex for class supply
Box of graham crackers for class snack supply
Daily Snack

*1 set of head phones, please label and place in a large ziplock (no ear buds please)

Thank you and Welcome to 1st Grade!!!

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