Friday, February 12, 2016

Hidden Valley Field Trip

Snowshoeing at Hidden Valley
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The First Graders are taking a field trip to Hidden Valley for an outdoor adventure filled with snowshoeing, animal tracking and fun!  We will leave school at 10:00 by bus and return around 1:15.   We have arranged to have the use of snowshoes for everyone (adults too) and an International Wolf Center naturalist will be leading a program about animal tracking and camouflage. The snowshoes have bindings on them that attach to your boots.  In between the snowshoeing and animal tracking activities we will have a picnic style lunch in the chalet.

   Students and Volunteers need to bring in their backpacks:
          • lunch and beverage
          • extra mittens - socks
          • snowshoes, if you have them

We will need adult volunteers to make this a fun and successful day.  If you are able to help us out, please contact us as soon as possible.  Thank you to our PTO, the International Wolf Center, Camp Widjiwagan and for their generous donations and use of equipment.

First Grade Teachers,
Tiffany Davis, Susan Ferguson and Kelly Skustad

     ****             ****            ****           ****          ****         ****         ****          ****       ****    ****    
_______________________ has my permission to take the bus to Hidden Valley
          Student’s Name

and participate in snowshoeing and other activities outdoors on February 23, 2016.

________________________________    ____________
                               Guardian’s Signature                             Date

_____   My child has snowshoes and will bring them to school that day.
_____   A 1st Grader from the other class can use my child’s snowshoes when he/she isn’t.
_____   I have extra kid size snowshoe that someone can use and will bring them too.
_____   I would like to volunteer to help.    Contact info.  _____________________
_____   I have my own adult snowshoes and will bring them along.