Friday, April 24, 2015

Show and Share

Hat DAY!

Hat Day
Friday, May 1, 2015
Show Your Paw Pride!!!

Dear Parents/Guardians-
As a part of our School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports System, otherwise know as our PAW PRIDE program, our staff has been teaching, re-teaching, and encouraging positive behaviors in our school.  Students in all classes and in all areas of the school have been receiving Paw Pride Tickets for exhibiting positive behaviors by being……… (School Total = 2,871)
Responsible, Respectful, Safe and Cooperative!!!.

It is again time to celebrate our success!  Our next dress up day is Friday, May 1, 2015!  Please have your child wear a HAT to school to show their school spirit.

Thank you!

Washington Elementary PBIS Team