Monday, October 20, 2014

Math Lesson on Graphing Skittles!

Farm Field Trip Highlights

We had a great day at the farm.  We learned a great deal about horses and even went on a Halloween Candy Hunt on the hill!!!  A big thanks to the Birchhill Farm.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Paw Pride Fall Festival

A note from Mrs. Oelke.....

This afternoon our students celebrated our Paw Pride Behaviors by participating in a school wide celebration event that was designed and facilitated by our 5th grade students and staff.  The leadership that our 5th grade students demonstrated was outstanding!  Our students worked together in teams consisting of kindergarten students up through 5th grade students.  Some of the events included an egg toss, football toss, a crab walk, hot potato, and a large game of telephone.  Ask you child about their afternoon at Washington Elementary.

We continue to work on Paw Pride Behaviors in all areas of our school!

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe and Be Cooperative!

Thank you for your support and have a great weekend!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Birchhill Farm Field Trip- Oct. 15

1st Grade Birchhill Farm Field Trip

The first grade class will be going to the Birchhill Farm (2231 Robich Rd.) just 2 miles outside of Ely for a farm tour.  The students will have an opportunity to see a small farm with several horses, barns, chicken coops, chickens, dogs and cats.  There will be a demonstration of how to saddle, ride and care for horses and an egg collecting in the coop.

We will be going on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 from 1:15 pm -2:30 pm.

* Please dress for the weather: snow pants (if needed), good boots, a warm coat, hat and mittens.

* All students must have a signed permission slip to participate.

We need a few adult chaperones for this field trip.  If you are interested please sign up below.

It should be a great day on the farm!

Mrs. Skustad and Mrs. Beymer
1st Grade Teachers

Please sign and return no later than Monday, October 13, 2014.

_____________________________ has my permission to take the bus to tour the
           student’s name                          Birchhill Farm on Wednesday, October 15, 2014.

Parent Signature _____________________________________Date__________________


_____ Yes, I would like to chaperone this event.  (Please be at the school on 10/15 by 1:00 pm.)

Name (please print): ____________________________

Phone Number: ___________________