Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Please Remember!!!!

Friendly Reminder!!!!!!

Gift Exchange: We’ll have a gift exchange on our last day of school before break, Friday Dec. 20. Each child is asked to wrap up one of their gently used books, one that they no longer want, to exchange with another student. Girls should label their gift “Girl” and sign their name and the same procedure for boys. Girls will draw a girl’s name and boys a boy’s name. Bring them in tomorrow!!!

K.I.S.S.- Tomorrow each child has the opportunity to invite someone special (Mom, Dad, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Family Friend, Neighbor) to participate in a holiday craft.  Only one special guest per child please.  Please remind your special guest to come directly to our classroom (Rm. 24) at 1:30 pm.  Thanks!!!

Mrs. Kelly Skustad

Friday, December 13, 2013

Holiday Reminders!

K.I.S.S.- On Thursday, Dec. 19th each child has the opportunity to invite someone special (Mom, Dad, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Family Friend, Neighbor) to participate in a holiday craft.  Only one special guest per child please.  Please complete the blue K.I.S.S. form and return the bottom portion ASAP.  Thank you!

**For our K.I.S.S. event only......
The Front Doors will be open. 
Please come right up to room 24 and sign in with me!!! 
Do not go to the office. Thanks!!**

Gift Exchange: We’ll have a gift exchange on our last day of school before break, Friday Dec. 20. Each child is asked to wrap up one of their gently used books, one that they no longer want, to exchange with another student. Girls should label their gift “Girl” and sign their name and the same procedure for boys. Girls will draw a girl’s name and boys a boy’s name. Bring them in anytime before the 20th.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Dilly Bar Party!

Our class won a Dilly Bar party today for bringing in the most food for the canned food drive!  
Thank you for your help!!!! YUMMY!!!

Our 60th Day of School!

Zero the Hero Visited Today!  
Let's  Cheer Today HOORAY, HOORAY, HOORAY for our 60th Day!
(We made tally marks with our Twizzler strips.)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Letters to Santa!

     Letters to Santa

Tune in to WELY radio tomorrow! Our class will have their letter to Santa read on..........................

**Friday, December 6th**
7:10 am and again at 6:10 pm

Happy Holidays!!
~Mrs. Skustad      

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Activities!!

Thanksgiving Read Aloud with Mrs. Davis and Class!

Cute Turkey Craft/Snack! Yummy!!!

Enjoying Our 1st Grade Buddies!!

Learning About Native Americans!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Few FUN 1st Grade Pictures!!

Bearhead Lake State Park Trip
Birchhill Farm Field Trip
Library Time
Vocabulary Day Parade

Monday, October 28, 2013

Farm Field Trip

1st Grade Birchhill Farm Field Trip

The first grade class will be going to the Birchhill Farm (2231 Robich Rd.) just 2 miles outside of Ely for a farm tour.  The students will have an opportunity to see a small farm with several horses, barns, chicken coops, chickens, dogs and cats.  There will be a demonstration of how to saddle, ride and care for horses and an egg collecting in the coop.

We will be going on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 from 1:00-2:30 pm.

* Please dress for the weather: snow pants, good boots, a warm coat, hat and mittens.

* All students must have a signed permission slip to participate.

We need a few adult chaperones for this field trip.  If you are interested please sign up below.

It should be a great day on the farm!

Mrs. Skustad, Mrs. Beymer, and Mrs. Davis
1st Grade Teachers